

Localização Salvador, Bahia, BR
Avaliar R$ 50 por hora
Visualizacões de perfil 420

I am beginning in the translation as a self-taught, because besides the passion of learning and getting to know different languages and cultures, with advanced level in English and Korean, I intend to show my skills, aiming to make an accurate and natural to understand work, breaking the language barriers and being able to issue all of content for all of people, while I would be able to acquire knowledge and also growing professionally. I have not done any projects yet, only training translations, but I am looking for as fast as can to get this experience, and make a even better job.

  • Descrição do Projeto
  • Comunicação
  • Termos de pagamento
  • Profissionalismo
  • Qualidade
  • Comunicação
  • Prazo final
  • Profissionalismo
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