

Campo de trabalho Marketing, Mídias Digitais, Produção de Conteúdo
Localização Guarulhos, São Paulo, BR
Avaliar R$ 55 por hora
Visualizacões de perfil 262

Born in Brazil and raised in Colombia, I became fluent in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. I also learned French and German at Wizard. I graduated from the Federal University of São Paulo in Letters and from the University of Santo Amaro (Unisa) in Marketing. I have been working as a writer for over 5 years, with experience in:

Creating, translating, editing, and proofreading content for blogs, websites, social media, email marketing, digital marketing campaigns, fiction, children's, and young adult books.

  • Descrição do Projeto
  • Comunicação
  • Termos de pagamento
  • Profissionalismo
  • Qualidade
  • Comunicação
  • Prazo final
  • Profissionalismo
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