

Campo de trabalho Softwares, sistemas, textos e traduções
Localização Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, BR
Avaliar R$ 45 por hora
Visualizacões de perfil 713

Estudante de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas na Universidade Estácio de Sá, redatora e tradutora experiente.
I am currently a graduate student in System Analysis and Computer Technician. I own a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work, but during the past few years I have worked in the IT field of specialization localizing User Interfaces, Websites, Computer Programs, Hardware manuals, etc. I have also studied programming principals and algorithms, Python, Java, HTML, some XML and other computer languages.
Currently, I develop content for Websites directed to indexation for SEO and I am also involved in designing and editing images for Web Content in general.
I am Brazilian native and bilingual (my second language is English).

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  • Profissionalismo
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  • Comunicação
  • Prazo final
  • Profissionalismo
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