

Campo de trabalho Desenvolvimento Web
Avaliar R$ 100 por hora
Visualizacões de perfil 339

Curriculum Vitae


Desenvolvedor Trainee


Working at the company I am part of has been an incredible and enriching experience, both technically and personally. I had the opportunity to enhance my technical skills, particularly in web development, by learning and working with two of the leading tools in the industry: Laravel and WordPress. Collaborating with experienced professionals in a team setting was invaluable for my professional growth. It taught me the importance of teamwork, communication, and problem-solving, while also fostering a stimulating and supportive work environment. Throughout this journey, I realized how crucial this experience was for my personal and professional development. The emphasis on teamwork within the company allowed me to effectively collaborate with colleagues, share knowledge, and tackle challenges together. This collaborative approach not only improved our productivity but also cultivated a sense of camaraderie and mutual support, creating an environment where everyone's contributions were valued. Overall, working at this company not only expanded my technical skills but also taught me the significance of teamwork in achieving common goals.


Bacharelado Ciência da Computação

Universidade da Amazônia - UNAMA


  • Aprender inglês amplia horizontes, abre portas para novas culturas e oportunidades em varios países pelo mundo. Permite a conexão com pessoas de diferentes partes do mundo e a compreensão de filmes, músicas e literatura em seu idioma nativo e enriquece a experiência. Além disso, é uma habilidade valorizada no mercado de trabalho, o que aumenta as chances de sucesso profissional.



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