

Localização Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, BR
Disponibilidade 20 horas por semana
Avaliar R$ 80 por hora
Visualizacões de perfil 40

Hello, I'm Pamela!

I have a solid background in electronics and am currently pursuing a degree in physics (UFSC - BR). Throughout my years in the scientific and technical fields, I’ve discovered the perfect bridge between science and art—transforming complex information into clear, visually engaging schematics and scientific diagrams.

My artistic skills have been honed through experiences as an illustrator and even a tattoo artist, but my passion now lies in creating precise, detailed visuals for scientific communication. Whether it's illustrating experimental setups, visualizing data, or designing technical schematics, I focus on clarity and accuracy to ensure your ideas and experiments are easily understood.

Let’s work together to bring your science to life—beautifully and effectively!

  • Descrição do Projeto
  • Comunicação
  • Termos de pagamento
  • Profissionalismo
  • Qualidade
  • Comunicação
  • Prazo final
  • Profissionalismo
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