

Campo de trabalho Java, Backend, Web Services REST / SOA, API
Localização Orlando, Florida, US
Avaliar £ 80 (R$ 574,19) por hora
Visualizacões de perfil 1056

+15 years of experience in IT, with the entire system development process, technical leadership and consulting.

Skill Summary:
• Certified Java/Oracle and Microsoft developer;
• Experience in Agile/Scrum environments;
• Excellent communication, negotiation, leadership and management of technical teams;

Strong Knowledge:
• Good development practices: POO, Design Patterns and SOLID;
• Java Technologies: Core, JavaEE, EJB, JSF, JPA, JMS, JSP and Servlets;
• Services Architecture: SOA, REST, Microservices and OAuth;
• Java Frameworks: Spring, Spring Boot, Struts, Hibernate and ActiveMQ;
• Servers and Containers: Tomcat, Jetty, Glassfish, JBoss, Weblogic and WebSphere;
• Java ORM Frameworks: SpringDAO and Hibernate;
• Build management: Ant, Maven and Gradle;
• Version control: Git, Subversion and CVS;

Good Knowledge:
• Cloud: AWS and Heroku;
• Frontend: HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap and Angular;
• Continuous integration: Jenkins and Hudson;
• Tests: JUnit, Selenium, Mockito and Sonar;
• Operating systems: Windows, Mac and Linux (Command and Script);
• Others: PHP, VB, VBA and Docker;

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