

Localização Luanda, AO
Avaliar R$ 60 por hora
Visualizacões de perfil 426

I'm a Software Developer, always interested in learning from others, new things 😉, focusing on JavaScript (BackEnd: NodeJs, Web: ReactJs, Mobile: React Native).

I have spent most of my time investing in knowledge, to develop and grow exponentially as a professional in this area.
I try not only to develop hard skills, but also, and not least, soft skills, which I consider very relevant to be a good professional in the market.

I've worked on many projects (national, multinational and international), including some governmental ones, and I'm always looking for challenges, because with these I can add to my skills.

I consider myself agile in learning a new language and adapting to any change, ready to overcome any challenge.

I am a Programming Instructor and YouTuber and I have great interest and passion in tran.

🔼 GitHub: ************
🔼 My Youtube Channel: ************.com/channel/UCT86w0RE5w8AosU9mk2my5g

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