

Localização Setor Leste, Distrito Federal, BR
Avaliar R$ 60 por hora
Visualizacões de perfil 923

Hi there!

I am glad you are interested in my profile, so thank your for being reading this!

I am a software developer that have worked for about 4/5 year as .NET fullstack developer using mainly AngularJs and Angular 2+ in the front end. I have worked mainly in application in what user experience and also security were the most important aspects. Also delievering good results under high pressure and short deadlines as it is common when working with electoral systems.

I also have international experience after working and studing in Germany where I started in a doctorate program, but I have decided to dropout after 2 years. There I got very fundamental skill in software optmization and parallelism.

I am also always open to learn new technologies and methods to improve my skills and deliever the best results.

As John Green always says:
Don't forget to be awesome :D

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  • Profissionalismo
  • Qualidade
  • Comunicação
  • Prazo final
  • Profissionalismo
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