

Setor Outro
Campo de trabalho 3D Modeler Texturer
Localização Serra, Espírito Santo, BR
Avaliar R$ 40 por hora
Visualizacões de perfil 152

Since I was young I have been fascinated by digital graphic art, I started modeling in Google SketchUp, over time I developed an interest in game development and Java programming in Unity, training as one of my Hobbies, in parallel I started to dedicate myself to inorganic modeling in Blender 3D. With graphic creation baggage, I became a Freelancer at Cgtrader, where I had the opportunity to work dealing with foreign clients in projects such as making 3D models for additive manufacturing and CAM machining in CNC Router wood, in addition to producing items for graphic productions in general , the so-called props. I worked as a Fapes scholarship holder, in a machinery project for Civil Engineering, using industrial boilermaking, aligning improvements in prototypes, creating assemblies and parts in an Autodesk Inventor environment.

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