

Campo de trabalho Desenvolvedor de Jogos e Aplicativos
Localização Ituporanga, Santa Catarina, BR
Disponibilidade 140 horas por semana
Avaliar R$ 30 por hora
Visualizacões de perfil 762

Personal profile
I'm a developer curious about
technologies. I try to learn new technologies to
understand how they work, curiosity for the new.

Cell: +55(**********
Linkedin: ************/*****-******036530170/

-Android Unity game development;
-Unity web game development;
-Unity augmented reality application development;
-Knowledge in IoT (Internet of Things), use of Arduino
and sensors;
-Java object-oriented models;
-Python - basic;
-C# used in Unity;
-Framework Laravel;
-Windows Server Management 2019;
-Intermediary English;
-Photon SDK
-Ready Player Me
-Mirror multiplayer
-ChatGPT (integration)
-Unity VR game development;
-GCP (google Cloud Plataform);
-Augmented reality apps;
-AR Foundation;

-Integration with APIS
-Critical view
-Problems solution
-application deployment

Abaixo segue o meu Portifólio:

Projetos Realizados:

-Freddy! Slice the sweets or run! 2022(Published in PlayStore);
-Tiberman-Clone - 2022;
-Flappy Bird Clone - 2022;
-Rental system in Laravel - 2022;
-Lycanthrophy Is Cure (GameJam - 2021);
-Frankenberger's Colonization Adventures
for web - 2021;
-Game Oink the Game para Android -
2019(Published in Playstore);
-Jogo Fury of Chaos using the concepts of
Threads in Java - 2018;
-Game Recycle Run for Windows - 2018;
-Model of Use of Genetic Algorithm in Unity
-Application in Augmented Reality and
-Android for Mother's Day.
-ChatGPT Application in Android - 2023

  • Descrição do Projeto
  • Comunicação
  • Termos de pagamento
  • Profissionalismo
  • Qualidade
  • Comunicação
  • Prazo final
  • Profissionalismo
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