For better service contact whatsApp **********, for better details!
I am at your disposal and subject to negotiation.
Para melhor atendimento entre em contato whatsApp +********** , para melhores detalhes!
Estou à sua disposição e sujeito a negociação.
Technical Skills/Habilidades Técnicas (Azure, AWS, Cloudera, SPARK, KAFKA, HBASE, Scala, C#, .NET, Java, Lua, Lambda, Php, Python, Groovy, Crawler, Android, PhoneGap, Ionic, React, React Native, Django, Blogs, SEO, Facebook API, Instagram API, WhatsApp API, Google AutoML, App Mobile Hibrido, Ios apps, Ajax, Javascript, CSS, HTML, Bootstrap, AngularJS, Angular3, Wordpress, Magento, Drupal, eCommerce, Atualização de site, Kubernetes, GoogleCloud, Jenkins, SVN, Git, Gitflow, Bots, ChatBots, Python, App Desktop, App Web, pipelines, WebServices, Rest, JSON, NoSQL, Sql, Oracle, Postgress, MySql, Microsoft SQL, Sql Server, PLSQL, Soap, WebSockets, Linux server, Windows server, Moodle, Aulas de TI, AntiCheats, Arduino)