

Campo de trabalho https://github.com/jonathastavares
Localização TosiaOasR r sd, Rio de Janeiro, BR
Visualizacões de perfil 724
Finance Control App

Site: Finance Control App

This is a Finance control app project, built for learning purposes, as my capstrone project at Microverse. The Design idea was originally created by Gregoire Vella on Behance. In this project, I managed associations between Models, created methods for Groups and Transactions, and some helpers. Built with: - Ruby - Ruby on Rails - Devise - PostgreSQL - Rspec - BootStrap - Heroku

Game Portal Website

Site: Game Portal Website

The Gameportal is a webpage that provides you a list of games. You can like games or add a comment about them. Built with: - HTML - CSS - JavaScript - Webpack - Jest - BootStrap - Rawg REST API

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